Implementing the Every Child Matters Strategy is a comprehensive resource for senior leaders, managers of Every Child Matters (ECM) and teachers responsible for leading the government’s ECM strategy in primary and secondary schools and other education settings such as Academies, Sixth Form Colleges, short stay schools, Children’s Centres and Early Years settings.
Featuring step-by-step advice, photocopiable checklists and templates, with suggestions for further activities in relation to implementing and embedding the government’s ECM strategy in schools/education settings, this practical guide will enable readers to:
understand the concept and principles of Every Child Matters and translate those into developing an ECM policy for their school/setting
know their role in moving ECM policy, practice and provision forward
understand the importance of ECM well being for effective learning
embed ECM through school improvement planning, target setting, tracking pupils well being outcomes and efficient resource deployment
identify effective strategies to promote productive partnership working to improve ECM outcomes for children and young people
understand the OFSTED inspection requirements for pupils ECM well being.
An invaluable resource for those professionals strategically leading ECM in their own education setting, it offers practical guidance, recommended management approaches, models of good practice and signposting to further sources of information on how best to ensure ECM is woven and embedded throughout the school/setting.
Frameworks and checklists are downloadable from: