In Humanizing Human Capital, renowned business thought leaders Solange Charas, PhD, and Stela Lupushor reframe traditional HR practices into a future-forward strategy to optimise human capital. Charas and Lupushor shift decision-making about people from a gut sense to an evidence-based approach - a critical and much-needed departure from the cross-your-fingers-and-hope-for-the-best approach of most traditional HR programs today. Learn how to quantify and manage human capital in order to future-proof your financial returns. Humanising Human Capital reveals a step-by-step method to apply analytics approaches to human capital while anticipating inevitable changes in the workforce landscape. This will enable human capital professionals to generate positive outcomes for all stakeholders and allow management to make decisions that work for the entire enterprise. Through the authors’ dozens of case studies, real-world situations, and twenty invaluable business principles, you will learn to:
Adopt a best-evidence versus best-practice approach to decision-making
Shift your thinking so that you view human capital as a crucial investment rather than as a sunk cost
Balance human capital analytics with the more human-centric elements of people management
Increase value for all key stakeholders, including investors, management, workers, customers, partners, and the community at large
Utilise methods to measure and optimise human capital efficiency, increasing your ROI
The road ahead may seem unpredictable and even treacherous, but Humanising Human Capital provides leaders of any organisation a new framework to create resilient, responsive, and innovative organisations with tangible and sustainable business results.