This is the fifth of sequential collections of the observations and discussions on various health topics in Hong Kong. There are a total of 18 chapters showing some under-discussed health issues both in the Chinese and in the Western contexts. There are several foci of this book: a) anorexia nervosa (AN) in the thick description of the process and outcome of providing family treatment for a Chinese lady and her family, the discussion of anorexia nervosa with morality and social welfare, how medical profession can prevent the development of this illness, a feminist nursing research on AN; b) the gender inquiry of female medical students' struggle in their studying and profession trajectory in a Chinese society; c) the importance of drug monitoring; d) nursing roles in seasonal flu prevention, gerontological care with a postmodernist lens, leadership and reflectivity practice; e) the needs of family approaches such as the introduction of the proposed Octopus Approach to Family Therapy and family participation in the treatment of obesity of a family member; f)holistic views on disaster management like the tsunami; g) aging related issues such as critical examination on longevity enhancement and social support; h) a discussion on Zombie Films with a health angle; and i) health and beauty products. All the above foci are lack of discussion in Chinese Literature which should be given some attention to enrich our understanding on health from multifaceted lenses.