This Collection contains the following books:
Catalogue 2.0: The future of the library catalogue
Edited by Sally Chambers
Essential Classification, 2nd edition
Vanda Broughton
Essential Library of Congress Subject Headings
Vanda Broughton
Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums
Seth Van Hooland and Ruben Verborgh
Linked Data for Cultural Heritage
Edited by Ed Jones and Michele Seikel
Managing Metadata in Web-scale Discovery Systems
Edited by Louise F Spiteri
Maxwell's Handbook for RDA
Robert L Maxwell
Metadata, 2nd edition
Marcia Lei Zeng and Jian Qin
Practical Cataloguing: AACR, RDA and MARC21
Anne Welsh and Sue Batley
Practical Ontologies for Information Professionals
David Stuart
RDA Essentials
Thomas Brenndorfer.
There is a 10% discount off the combined price of the books in the Collection.