My autobiography is a record of my life and interactions with many interesting people over the course of my work. This involved key industries and organisations like Keppel Corp, Wearnes, Natsteel, SPH, UOB, LTA, JTC, and SSO. Having the good fortune to meet many prominent Singaporeans such as Tan Chin Tuan, Wee Cho Yaw as well as Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Dr Goh Keng Swee, Dr Toh Chin Chye, Mr Lim Kim San and SR Nathan, allowed me not only a good perspective of various industries and businesses but also how some of these eminent statesmen think. They moulded my view of life.I've also gone through a wide range of experiences from changes in governments, impact of technology on our daily lives, changes in entertainment media to various life-threatening crises.I hope this unique compendium would be of interest to younger readers, growing up in a new and different world, but knowing how we got here, and why.