‘Every theatre professional needs this book’ Amazon Review
Author David Chadderton Price £10.99 Format Paperback, 215 x 135mm, 978-1-84285-424-2
Here is how theatre was created. Many people enjoy theatre but just who were the people who established theatre as we know it? What lies at the ‘beating heart’ of this book is a fascinating profile of seven pioneering figures and the stories of how they developed their approach to theatre.
The Theatre Makers
The book covers
-Stanislavki’s legacy,
-The ‘system’ in rehearsal,
-Edward Gordon Craig and style,
-Brecht and Artaud, Grotowski, Brooke and Boal
Reviews on Amazon
… Chadderton go into enough background information on the main theatre practitioners that have shaped and revolutionised the industry we know, but gives plenty of easy to set up and work through practical exercises based on each of the ‘Theatre Makers’ theories.
For a one stop shop resource on Konstantin Stanislavski, Edward Gordon Craig, Antonin Artaud, Bertolt Brecht, Jerzy Grotowski, Peter Brook, Augusto Boal, then you really can’t go wrong with this book. I have thumbed the pages so many times creating lesson plans and workshops and have recommended to so many colleagues, that I can safely recommend this book to you all.