"I now realize that God accepts whoever does what is right." Certainly "both those who don't know the truth and those who know the truth, will perish if they are dishonest. Righteous people are not necessarily those who know the truth, but those who are good to everyone." However, at the same time ideas influence human choices. Right ideas are not an optional luxury. Some ideas can convince people to be kamikazes, that is, suicidal murderers. A different system of ideas can transform a person into a generous missionary who consecrates his or her life to help the needy even at the cost of their own lives. Then right ideas or truth is something very important. "Truth will make you free," Jesus says. We can be authentically free, if we know authentic truth. And only the whole truth gives us true freedom. Freedom based on lies makes us slaves or gives us illusory freedom. Complete freedom transforms us into real human beings. Certainly, it's nearly impossible to be freed from every wrong. But Jesus or Truth can liberate us from untruth, from sin, that is, from dishonesty, from fear of death and suffering. Some unbelievers, too, try to study the life of Jesus, but immediately conclude that miracles are not true facts. "They know that miracles are not possible. There is no supernatural reality." And so they discard miracles even before investigating about them. But theirs is not historical research, but philosophical prejudice. So "a man will certainly be judged by what he knew and did. If one knew the truth, he will be judged as one who knew the truth. If he didn't know the truth, he will be judged as one who didn't know it. Everyone has a God-given conscience that dictates the basic naturaltruth. Even illiterates can read what is written in their hearts. So people are responsible of their actions and will be judged according to what they know and have the chance to know." But only truth guides to right targets. False ideas lead people astray, that is to slavery. And "historically only Jesus proves that he can talk about the truth of the possibility of life beyond death and the truth about God."