Have you been a victim of abuse, suicide attempts, alcohol or drug addiction? Have you miscarried babies, been a workaholic, or experienced frequent insomnia, nightmares, or depression? Are you always angry, finding yourself speeding, or engaging in road rage? These are just a few of the symptoms of a PTSD victim-someone who has been traumatized in the past or due to war. Having been a spiritual counselor for over forty years, Lady Cerelli never dreamed she would walk the same path she had often led her clients on. In this book she shares how keeping trauma to yourself leads to behavior disorders such as those mentioned above (and more). She learned how to be at peace with who she was and change those behaviors in order to grow into the individual she wished to be. My Journey to Peace with PTSD can become the lifeline you need to journey back to your first trauma and connect to who you are. In this way you can heal your own life.