This compact disc contains the electronic Proceedings from 11 workshops that were offered by the National Research Council (NRC) to grantees of the National Science Foundation's Math/Science Partnership (MSP) Initiative to help these grantees and other participants better understand the evidentiary base and the implications and applications of that research to their individual projects. These workshops were organized around six themes: 1) Focusing on Learning; 2) Focusing on Assessment of Learning; 3) Focusing on Teacher Education for Effective Teaching and Learning; 4) The Role of Higher Education in Math/Science Partnerships; 5) Challenging Courses and Curricula; and 6) Making the Transition: What do We Want to Sustain? How Do we Do That? Each of these Proceedings contains: briefing materials that participants received prior to each workshop, transcripts, Powerpoint presentations, biographical sketches of presenters, and other resources that were made available during the workshops.