For sales or pricing inquiries outside of the United States, please visit: to access a list of international CDX Automotive Account Managers. Electrical and Electronic Systems Tasksheet Manual for NATEF Proficiency is designed to guide automotive students through the tasks necessary to meet National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) requirements for National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Standard 6: Electrical and Electronic Systems. Organized by ASE topic area, companion tasks are grouped together for more efficient completion, and are clearly labeled with CDX and NATEF task numbers and the NATEF priority level to help students easily manage responsibilities. This manual will assist students in demonstrating hands-on performance of the skills necessary for initial training in the automotive specialty area of electrical and electronic systems. It can also serve as a personal portfolio of documented experience for prospective employment. Used in conjunction with CDX Automotive, students will demonstrate proficiency in electrical/electronic fundamentals, diagnosis, service, and repair.