CONTENTSLife of Daniel Boone, the Father of KentuckyLife of Col. William Crawford, the Martyr to Indian RevengeLife of Simon Girty, the White SavageLife of Molly Finney, the Beautiful Canadian CaptiveLife of Majors Samuel and John McCullough, Patriots and FrontiersmenLife of Lewis Wetzel, the Indian KillerLife of Simon Kenton, the Intrepid PioneerLife of Gen. George R. Clark, the Heroic ConquerorLife of Capt. Samuel Brady, the Great Indian FighterLife of Davy Crockett, the Hero of AlamoLife of Gen. Sam Houston, the Liberator of the Lone Star StateLife of Kit Carson, the Celebrated Plainsman and ExplorerLife of Maj.-Gen. George A. Custer, the Hero of Little Big HornLife of Buffalo Bill, the Tireless Rider, Hunter and ScoutLife of Wild Bill, the Lightning MarksmanLife of California Joe, the ScoutLife of Texas Jack, The Government Scout and HunterLife of Captain Jack, the Poet ScoutLife of Gen. Geo. Crook, the Conqueror of the Apaches