Cyberspace may be the ultimate dual-edged sword-the bright hope of its great intellectual and communicative potential is in contrast to its dark reality to enable havoc and destruction. In April 2015, then-Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter unveiled his department's new guidance on how the U.S. military should address the myriad challenges emerging in the cyberspace domain to a group of technology-savvy leaders gathered at Stanford University. The 2015 Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Strategy builds upon the foundation of a 2011 strategy and stays true to its three primary missions, as well as overarching national security strategies-but can the new strategy work? In this monograph, Mr. Jeffrey Caton explores various aspects of this question by examining the historical context, traditional strategy elements, subsequent DoD action, and whole-of-government approach contained within the 2015 DoD Cyber Strategy.