If you believe that everything we do is motivated by our desire for happiness, wouldn't you think we'd be happy by now? This force lures us like a great homing signal, yet we seldom find our way to it. Why then is so difficult to find and hold on to happiness? Why are we so limited in our ability to find happiness? Do we know what "happiness" really is? Every once in a while we think we've found it only to watch it slowly fade away. Why then is it so difficult to find and hold on to what we think is "happiness"? As you answer each question in this simple, honest and concise book you soon realize that true happiness requires a strong commitment to grow beyond the perceived pleasure of temporary things. Authentic happiness can only be found at the core of your being that inevitably leads to the spiritual path. This simple book is the perfect place to start. As you answer each question in this simple honest and concise book, you'll soon realize that true happiness requires a strong commitment to grow beyond the perceived pleasure from temporary things such as entertainment, food, material and financial wealth or a house and car.
Authentic happiness can only be found at the core of your being and to get there, you must inevitably find a spiritual path that leads to your essence.