The National Academies Board on Mathematical Sciences and Analytics and Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment convened a 3-day public workshop on July 13, 20, and 27, 2022, to explore state-of-the-art analytical tools that could advance urban sustainability through improved prioritization of public works projects. Invited speakers included people working in urban sustainability, city planning, local public and private infrastructure, asset management, and infrastructure investment; city officials and utility officials; and statisticians, data scientists, mathematicians, economists, computer scientists, and artificial intelligence/machine learning experts. Presentations and workshop discussions provided insights into new research areas that have the potential to advance urban sustainability in public works planning, as well as the barriers to their adoption. This publication summarizes the presentation and discussion of the workshop.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
1 Local Infrastructure Decision Making
2 Relevant Data, Analytics, and Metrics for Infrastructure and Sustainability
3 Funding and Investment Mechanisms for Infrastructure
4 Decision Making for Infrastructure Investments
5 Building Confidence in Data and Institutions
6 Social, Physical, and Digital Infrastructure for Public Safety
7 Moving Beyond Short-Termism
8 Building the Ideal Sustainable City
9 Workshop Themes and the Path Forward
Appendix A: Key Resources for Decision Makers
Appendix B: Workshop Agenda
Appendix C: Biographical Information for Workshop Planning Committee Members and Speakers