Based on a careful reading of Pope Benedict's 2009 encyclical Caritas in Veritate (-Charity in Truth-), the essays in this substantial volume explore how an encounter with the person of Jesus Christ is the true basis for economic and social progress. The authors are experts in a wide range of disciplines -- theology, philosophy, biblical studies, political science, economics, finance, environmental science -- and represent a broad spectrum of Catholic thought, from liberal to conservative.
The first book in English to offer an overarching interpretation of Pope Benedict's groundbreaking encyclical, Jesus Christ: The New Face of Social Progress will inform anyone interested in Catholic social doctrine, and its depth of insight will offer fresh inspiration to serious followers of Jesus Christ.
J. Brian Benestad
Simona Beretta
Michael Budde
Patrick Callahan
Paulo Fernando Carneiro de Andrade
Peter J. Casarella
William T. Cavanaugh
Maryann Cusimano Love
Daniel K. Finn
Roberto Goizueta
Lorna Gold
Keith Lemna
D. Stephen Long
Archbishop Celestino Migliore
Michael Naughton
Julie Hanlon Rubio
Sister Damien Marie Savino, F.S.E.
David L. Schindler
Theodore Tsukahara Jr.
Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson
Horacio Vela