Gifted and accelerated readers are often not a part of reading instruction in a traditional or inclusive classroom. Their needs go unattended in favor of those who struggle with basic reading and foundational skills. All children should have the opportunity to grow in their knowledge and skills in literacy. This book provides teachers who have one or more gifted/accelerated or those who are "keenly interested" students in their class ways in which they can differentiate reading instruction that is equitable.
Literacy Strategies for Gifted and Accelerated Readers provides educators with practical, research-based strategies and advice to address the unique needs of gifted readers. Attention to required specially designed instruction that aligns to both the content standards and the NAGC PreK-12 Gifted Programming Standards ensures that gifted readers make progress through literacy instruction.
This book provides insight and expertise to general education teachers, teachers of the gifted, special education teachers, homeschool educators, professional developers, and higher education faculty.