A collection of Lovecraftian Horror story arcs that include: Tales of Nephren Ka, the ancient dead pharaoh raised from the dead (The Circle, The Chronicler, The Coming, The Candidate); Tales of Shifting Sands, chased across time by a dead woman possessed by a djinn (Hagif, Damascus, Shar-i-Gholghola, Ubar); Tales of the Dia Tessaron, four young women devoted to fighting minions of the Great Old Ones (Arkham Shadows, The Dia Tessaron Destroyed, The Spider and the Fly, The House in the Valley); Tales of Y'ha-nthlei Rising, the Deep Ones attempt to raise the ancient city from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean (Innsmouth Harvest, Y'ha-nthlei Rising, Of Gods & Aliens); Tales of Z'toggua, an obscure cult attempts to summon its ancient god (Z'toggua, Shog-E'yahg, Ch'g-Ghral); The Coming of Winter, the return of Rhan-Tegoth heralds the return of the Great Old Ones (A Festival of Winds, Rhan-Tegoth, Fire & Ice).