Is there a divine power that determines our journey through life? This story will make even the skeptic have second thoughts. From a warrior statue to guardian angels, "When down, look up." You will never convince the two young marines in this story that a higher power doesn't control their lives. It has its beginning in boot camp when they meet as friends by chance and become brothers by choice. Two charter members of the greatest generation join the Marine Corps a day after graduating high school in the spring of 1942. Two boys from small towns in the heart of the corn belt in Iowa. In boot camp they meet and bond to a special friend. This friend will be a guiding influence in their four-year tours of duty. These two marines are Patrick Quinlan and Jason Kinkaid. Love, honor, and duty are instilled in these young men from the day they were born. This is a World War II Story unlike any that you've heard before, but it's a story with the truest sense of love, honor, courage, and humanity.