The Last Tigers is a powerful novel set during the closing days of World War Two. It forms the concluding episode in the continuing saga of Hans von Schroif and the crew of his Tiger tank. This best-selling series of novels is based on the true stories of Tiger tank commanders who served on the Eastern Front from 1941-45. This is the third in the series, which began with the highly acclaimed Tiger Command, published in 2011, which contains the sprawling epic story of the duel between von Schroif and the infamous White Fox of Russia. This episode introduced the main protagonist to the world and it was soon followed by a prequel, published in 2012, Into the Gates of Hell. Both of the previous volumes were critically acclaimed and commercially successful and both have been translated into numerous languages including Finnish and Norwegian. The Last Tigers jumps forward in time to the smouldering ruins of Berlin and tells the gripping story of how the last chapter of the war unfolded for the hard-pressed survivors of the once mighty Wehrmacht.