Alterations in fetal growth still constitute a challenge for the diagnostic capacity and clinical sense of obstetricians. Only a multidisciplinary approach will permit understanding of the causes and pathogenic mechanisms that are involved and at the same time achieve a decrease in perinatal morbidity and mortality. Ultrasound and Fetal Growth provides a technically detailed clinical reference on the latest techniques in fetal ultrasound biometry, including Doppler ultrasound as well as fetal and placental hemodynamics, giving practitioners the information they need to make informed decisions.
With chapters written by leading experts, the book covers fetal growth characteristics, including principles and techniques of fetal ultrasound biometry; intrauterine growth restriction, including definitions, etiology and clinical implications as well as diagnosis, assessment and natural history of fetal compromise in intrauterine growth restriction; and macrosomia, including diagnosis, etiology and clinical implications as well as diagnosis. Ultrasound and Fetal Growth conveys the state of the art in this field, addresses current attitudes, and emphasizes a practical orientation.