Far from a dry explanation of theory that simply looks good on paper, this book brings all the principles of lean manufacturing to where they're needed most: the shop floor.
"Lean" manufacturing allows manufacturers to reduce waste and maximize profits by adopting a philosophy of operation that considers value from the perspective of the customer. Engagingly written and easy to put to work, Lean Manufacturing That Works is specifically aimed at the people whose daily work involves the manufacturing floor, and it features essential tools that can help streamline operations in any manufacturing environment.
Author Bill Carreira presents a thorough overview of:
lean manufacturing, with discussions of cost and cash flow;
velocity and lead time;
what waste is and how it affects both profit and customer satisfaction;
how to quantify opportunities to become more profitable;
and how to use lean manufacturing to both complement and implement business strategy.
A proven "weight loss" plan for your manufacturing environment, the lean strategy allows you to expend fewer resources in delivering value to the customer. The results are growth through the taking of market share, greater profitability, and increased opportunity and stability for your employees. Carreira provides insights into this remarkable strategy and shows how to put it to work immediately in your own operations.
Lean Manufacturing That Works gives you with specific, practical information on every page, and sends you back to the shop floor with a workable plan that will transform your entire operation.