A Way to Measure Time is an anthology of contemporary Finnish poetry and prose, with texts ranging from 1945 to the present. Included is work by a total of 86 authors, most of it translated here for the first time.
The texts reflect the social changes that inform the writing; during the half-century covered by this anthology, Finland has developed from a traditional agrarian society to a post-industrial one. The book begins with literary realism and progresses through modernism to contemporary post-modernist texts: 150 years of world literary development condensed, in Finland, into a span of 50 years.
Suomalaisen sodanjälkeisen kirjallisuuden englanninnos-antologia, jossa on runoja ja proosaa 86 kirjailijalta Aaro Hellaakoskesta, Gunnar Björlingistä, Pentti Haanpäästä ja Mika Waltarista Paavo Haavikon ja Solveig von Schoultzin kautta Sirkka Turkkaan, Arto Melleriin, Thomas Wulffiin ja Rosa Liksomiin.
A Way to Measure Time is an anthology of contemporary Finnish poetry and prose, with texts ranging from 1945 to the present. Included is work by a total of 86 authors, most of it translated here for the first time.
The texts reflect the social changes that inform the writing; during the half-century covered by this anthology, Finland has developed from a traditional agrarian society to a post-industrial one. The book begins with literary realism and progresses through modernism to contemporary post-modernist texts: 150 years of world literary development condensed, in Finland, into a span of 50 years.