Accounts of hovering objects and strange lights in the sky are reported daily all across America. South Carolina is no exception. Here are more than 65 stories from pilots, law enforcement, military, and citizens detailing incidents they have experienced. In 48 different cities, towns, and rural communities, from Johnsonville to Myrtle Beach and Charleston, South Carolinians are experiencing UFO activity. Aliens have made their presence known at nuclear facilities, air force bases and naval stations, dams and power plants, and are even harassing the everyday folk of the Palmetto State. Following cars in Jasper County and Greenville, opening portals in Reevesville, and buzzing backyards throughout the region, sightings are becoming more frequent as time goes by. South Carolina is a hot bed for UFO activity from strange lights to crafts that make impossible maneuvers to alien abductions. Take a closer look at South Carolina’s skies.