This book is a result of a joint project between Tribhuvan, Kathmandu, and Oslo Metropolitan universities on innovations and challenges in Nepalese teacher education. A team of scholars from Nepal, China, and Norway examine how ICT tools are applied to support students and to promote local knowledge and gender-sensitive approaches to higher education. Particular attention is devoted to the use of ICTs as a tool to ensure equal access in rural and under-resourced contexts. The book shows how the inclusion of ICTs, curriculum revisions, and the application of constructivist and innovative pedagogies improve the relevance and sustained development of Higher Education.
Contributors are: Contributors are Bed Raj Acharya, Resham Acharya, Sushan Acharya, Ellen Carm, Suresh Gautam, Laxman Gnawali, Monica Johannesen, Khem Raj Joshi, Peshal Khanal, Bal Chandra Luitel, Madhu Neupane, Leikny Øgrim, Laxmi Prasad Ojha,Shesha Kanta Pangeni, Binod Prasad Pant, Prem Phyak, Ambika Prasad Poudel,Tikaram Poudel, Indra Mani Rai, Renu Kumari Singh and Dhanapati Subedi.