ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES USING EXCEL® FOR SUCCESS, 2E, International Edition leads students to accounting mastery while increasing Excel® proficiency. Written with the modern business world in mind, this adaptation of the principles text--ACCOUNTING, 24e--offers an innovative four-step system for students: (1) read the accounting concept and illustration, (2) follow the same concept using the Excel® Success Example, (3) practice using the "Try It" Tutorial, and (4) apply knowledge by completing the Excel® Success Problem.
This text reinforces key accounting concepts through six basic Excel® formulas. Students build an Excel® portfolio to demonstrate basic competencies in accounting and Excel®. Each new copy of the book comes packaged with an access code that allows students to use the online Excel® "Try It" Tutorials. These tutorials guide students through the hands-on process of entering formulas and understanding how to Excel® for accounting. Excel® Success Special Activities at the end of the chapter require students to manipulate spreadsheets and save the files to demonstrate Excel® competency.