Kammerchor Stuttgar, Frieder Bernius
Fasch, C F C: Missa a 16 voci in quattro cori
Scarlatti, D: Stabat Mater a 10 voci
The Mass for 16 voices by Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch is remarkable not only for its unusual scoring. Written in 1783 for the Berlin Sing-Akademie, Fasch made numerous alterations to the work for the rest of his life to adapt it to the vocal abilities of his ensemble. He destroyed all the earlier versions, which added to the legendary reputation the Mass acquired. Domenico Scarlatti's 10-part "Stabat Mater" is also one of the truly great compositions of the 18th century, not only because of its exceptional length. Its unique spatial conception, vital dramatic sweep, and lyrical elegance, elements which are combined through a clear stylistic unity and tightly organised presentation of a limited palette of tonal colors, also make a great impression. The Kammerchor Stuttgart conducted by Frieder Bernius performs these masterpieces of the choral literature brilliantly!