The tranquil development of the Perpetuan movement is disrupted by Gregg, a former US Secret Service operative and charismatic sex maniac. He subverts Perpetua's message in a series of aggressive emails, pushing the movement's non-combative leadership to breaking point. After a series of bizarre and spectacular appearances, Gregg discredits himself and the movement, but is reconciled through the direct intervention of Perpetua. Can the movement survive the ordeal? The Third Testament ends with Damian's apocalyptic vision and a new liturgy. Unity is the third and final book in The Third Testament for the Third Millennium, a bold re-telling of the New Testament in a 21st Century context, asking Christians to question what they believe and why. Incorporating a dazzling array of artistic styles, convention-breaking use of language and sharply drawn characters, the series draws on its author's experience of journalism, broadcasting and politics, and on his work as a lay minister in the Church of England. It is profound and funny, moving and edgy, setting out how we might better live together with more self-restraint and less regulation.