This edition of the 826 Quarterly contains fiction, non-fiction, and poetry written by authors ages 6-18. The pieces are selected from all the 826 programs (drop-in tutoring, workshops, in-schools, projects, field trips) and at-large submissions. Pieces are chosen in a traditional literary journal style by an editorial board comprised of students and volunteer tutors.
In this issue, readers will find cats named after major retail chains, the uncomfortable side of good deeds, haunted middle schools, prosthetic animal parts, tales of leaves gone astray, letters to dead people, stories of immigration, and, of course, mermaids.
Like all writing coming out of 826 Valencia, this is by kids for kids, in a language that doesn't talk up or down to the readers, but straight across. Some of the pieces are straightforward, some unusually experimental. The writing is advanced and the themes explore issues that kids are actually interested in and that adults are sure to enjoy as well.
Foreword by: Oscar Villalon