Master Creator Destroyer Slave represents the four steps to freedom. If you feel stuck, unable to get what you want out of life, this book will show you how to destroy the old and create the new, guiding you through the four steps to freedom: Slavery-Destruction-Creation-Mastery.
While slavery is no longer permitted, most of us are still slaves. We are slaves to our emotions, relationships, work, attachments, addictions, beliefs, and possessions.
Once you become aware of your situation, destruction must occur before change can take place. This can include the destruction of a relationship, or the destruction of old thoughts and behaviors that hold you back (for example, not thinking you're good enough and selling yourself short leads to bad relationships and low quality dating options).
Rising from the fire of destruction, you have the chance to make a new life for yourself, creating new paths and beliefs to change the direction of your life. Master this step and your dating options, relationships, and lifestyle will improve dramatically.
If you wish to obtain true freedom, you must learn to master yourself, your environment, your relationships, and take control of your life. This book will show you how to do all this, and more!