"This is a poignant,modern critique of culture in an easily accessible and satirical package. Fansof brainy, incisive comics should look no further than Kaijumax." -BOOKLIST
Thefourth volume of the critically acclaimed Kaijumax series by Zander Cannon, asocially conscious comic about monsters in & out of prison.
Scaly is the New Black aswe timidly venture into KAIJUMAX's sister location and meet its terrifyingresidents. After murdering her abusive inmate boyfriend and unable to scale backdown to human size, former prison physician Dr. Zhang joins a collection ofuranium addicts, violent offenders, con artists, Lovecraftian horrors, andmetaphors for human encroachment in the heretofore unseen female wing ofKaijumax. New and returning kaiju assimilate into their respective species, joingangs, and establish their various prison hustles while the underfunded andoverextended 5-robot prison administration scrambles to keep them undercontrol.