Looking forward through Childhood and Adolescence is a brief version of
Looking forward through the Lifespan, 4e concentrating on child developmental psychology rather than lifespan. It is a clearly organised text that will suit both
chronological and
topicallyorganised courses. Students from a
broad range of disciplinary backgrounds will find this text
enjoyable and
comprehensive through a rich array of uniquely Australian, New Zealand and Asian examples
. Its coverage of
key concepts is brought to life with the use of
boxed features throughout the text
highlighting developmental differences that are linked to gender, ethnic background, historical era and socioeconomic conditions.
- Australian research and applications give students an understanding of development psychology in their own cultural and social environment
- Comprehensive coverage of Indigenous development issues encourages students to consider the diversity of human experiences
- International examples expose students to different cultures, allowing them to see how global patterns effect developmental psychology
- Solid introduction to the research methodology of developmental psychology .