The professional development school (PDS) is a unique educational reform initiative that attempts the simultaneous reform of education at the school and the university. By conducting reform at both levels of education, the PDS is a solution to the piecemeal reforms of the past, from Dewey's Progressivism to the Sputnik reforms to New Math to Whole Language, which have targeted educational change in the public schools but most have overlooked the preparation of new teachers.
The PDS addresses the professional development of experienced teachers in the field, the preparation of new teachers, and improvement of the programs of K-12 schools at the same time and at the same place—the school site. In this way, reform goals are agreed upon and implemented by both new and experienced teachers so that reform efforts are seamlessly supported by all parties involved. Nevertheless, most educators engaged in PDS reform agree that PDSs are a high stakes reform effort and are fraught with difficulties. This case study provides an annotated road map of one PDS partnership so that others interested in partnership work are provided general principles to guide their work.