It is a consolidated tradition that the Proceedings of the International
Congresses of Coptic Studies include both papers organized thematically -
according to sections and panels - and a larger group of general reports,
provided with a rich bibliography, about new research trends and
acquisitions in a particular field of Coptology: art, archaeology,
literature, linguistics, monasticism, Gnosticism, magic, etc.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, in
particular, contain the reports delivered during the Cairo Congress of
2008 (covering the period 2002-2008) and those pronounced during the Rome
Congress of 2012 (covering the period 2008-2014), the latter characterized
by two new reports: "Shenutean studies" and "Ethiopic studies in relation
to Egyptian culture". Moreover, it is worth mentioning that for the first
time some papers are organized in panels dedicated to very specific
topics, in which current research is particularly alive, such as "Bawit: a
monastic community, its structure and texts", "Thebes in Late Antiquity",
or "The reconstruction and edition of Coptic Biblical Manuscripts". The
outcome is a series of tools for the study of Christian Egypt and essays
about Coptic literature, art and archaeology seen on the backdrop of Late
Antique and Medieval Egyptian society and religion.