Enigmatic to her in nature, she spent years looking for the answer... The answer was out there, it had been looking for her. It's been looking for you...Now it's found you...
Based on a true encounter I explain that we live in a world crafted from perspectives. It is not in our power to judge a situation right or wrong as we cannot or were never made competent to see the whole picture. To not see the whole picture is to not see the truth. (That's why the bible tells us we must lean not on our own understanding)I explain how arguments and wars are created where one person insists to press through their perspective on another and that when we can free ourselves from the judgments of others, it is this that will bring us the inner peace and the freedom to connect with our authentic self and become all that God has intended us to be.The book further explains that whilst we are busy bickering as to who/what is right or wrong, we miss the TRUTH - i.e. the outcome that has been pre-destined for us by an all knowing God. In essence we miss the purpose for that which we were created.