Talisman: A Collection of Nose Art
TALISMAN (tal'is men) [Fr. < Ar tilasm, magic figure, one with th epower to avert evil] Anything thought to have magic power; a charm.
This new collection of nose-art shows in over 650 photographs, many in color, the various "good-luck" figures and symbols as featured on B-17s, B-24s, B-25s, B-29s, P-40s, P-51s as well as foreign aircraft in US markings from all theaters of World War II and Korea. Most of these photographs are published here for the first time, and express the whims and thoughts of crew members as they try to represent in nose-art a shield against bad luck - namely, enemy actions.
As in their previous work, WARPAINT, John and Donna Campbell have culled the most unusual, outrageous, and prophetic nose-art from their many years of collecting aviation history in photographs.