From the moment they're born, it can feel like children move quickly from one phase to another - some fun, some not so. Many people know flower remedies can help their children through these phases, but it can sometimes be hard to know which remedy to give. This book lists a number of familiar behaviours and phases in an easy to use guide - from accidents and anxiety, through jealousy and nightmares, to tearfulness and tantrums. It includes simple advice about how and when to take the remedies and suggests remedies that can help a range of behaviours and emotional upsets commonly experienced by children and teenagers. It also includes helpful suggestions of remedies that can help parents as they cope with their growing children. With over 25 years of using flower remedies both with her own family and as a professional therapist, Deborah Campbell has used her experience to produce a book that will help you support your children (and yourself) through their early years and into adulthood.