This is the first complete edition of the poetry of Norman Cameron (1905-53) to appear in Britain. As Jonathan Barker writes in his introduction, it is 'the product of the shared transatlantic enthusiasm of Warren Hope and myself for the work of a poet whom we both see as unjustly neglected'. Cameron has never lacked admirers among his fellow poets - Roy Fuller, Geoffrey Grigson, Robert Graves, among others - but since his skillful, moving and quietly memorable poems have not been reprinted since 1957, they have not reached the wider audience which they deserve. The growing appetite for his work was anticipated by Warren Hope, whose research for the 1985 American edition brought to light thirteen uncollected poems and some translations from Heine and the Czech poet Nezval. In this edition, the poems are followed by selections from his verse translation of "Villon"; all his miscellaneous verse translations (except those of "Rimbaud", which are published by Anvil in a separate volume); and his juvenilia.