Callaway aims his book at the front line executive as well as those managers who are struggling with the decision of how to do more with less. He drives home the point that there are no standard solutions and that outsourcing may bring as many problems as it solves. Basing his book on real world situations Callaway demonstrates that every decision carries risk and that many of these risks escape notice in the decision process regarding whether to insource, to outsource, or to use some combination of these. Throughout his book the point is made that managers rarely have all of the information they need to make truly self-assured and successful decisions. He points out that the Sourcing environment is .filled with hidden pitfalls in contracts as well as in implementation plans. From the Executive Suite to Cubicle Row, managers will find Callaway's real world experience shines through as he leads the reader through the maze of evaluating their organization's maturity, contrasting the result of their analysis to benchmarks and then assessing its readiness to become a virtual organization with insourced and outsourced resources. Callaway examines the organization from many different perspectives to demonstrate the processes and techniques used for risk assessment and management of the virtual organization. Sharply written and sometimes playful, The Sourcer's Apprentice is essential reading for anyone who is contemplating outsourcing or insourcing, or simply looking for some insight into managing the virtual organization.