The National Academies Roundtable on Obesity Solutions hosted an April, July, and October, 2022 workshop series to explore the gaps in knowledge within the foundational drivers of obesity. Facilitating action will require improved health communication, deconstructing structural racism, and recognizing the biased mental models and social norms at odds with obesity solutions. Speakers discussed future research in evidence-based solutions and potential ways to translate current evidence into practice. This Proceedings of a Workshop summarizes the discussions held during the workshop.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
1 Introduction
2 Shifting the Paradigm to Advance Obesity Solutions
3 Academic and Workforce Structures That Dismantle Systemic Racism While Building an Evidence Base
4 The Effect of Communications on Perceptions and Understanding of Obesity
5 Changing the Conversation around Representation in Media and Body Image
6 Engaging Communities to Address Structural Drivers of Obesity
7 Power Dynamics and Community as Complex Systems
8 Moving toward Solutions: Understanding Community Dynamics in Relation to Power and Engagement
9 Promising Initiatives to Build Community Power and Improve Health
10 The Science, Strengths, and Limitations of Body Mass Index
11 Progress in Obesity Solutions That Relate to Political, Economic, and Environmental Systems
12 Progress in Obesity Solutions: Health Care Systems
13 Progress in Obesity Solutions: Sociocultural Systems
Appendix A: Workshop Agendas
Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations
Appendix C: Biographical Sketches of Workshop Speakers and Planning Committee Members