Deep in the heart of Nuropa's great forests live the Lascens - a peace loving tribe that believe in community and co-operation, their ethos being - 'Respect a human's being and the human being will respect you.' But, all is not well within the thriving community. The tribe's Sensitive unearths a dark secret and feels a grievous, 'Changing of the age!' Matters are made far worse by the early migration of the Gridlocks - monstrous creatures that travel from the east of Nuropa in search of flesh, including human. The tribe are forced to take refuge in their Fortress, where, encouraged by the Sensitive, a knot of youngsters hatch a plan to explore east and, for once and all, seek the truth to the mysterious, 'Lands Beyond,' a place that no Lascen dare speak of, let alone venture! 'The Ages of Nuropa, The Embryo, is the first instalment in a trilogy that explores human nature and its want for power. The adventure continues in - The Ages of Nuropa II, The Nest and III, The Flight.