Explore the central issues of philosophy through an engaging combination of classic and contemporary sources. With over seventy non-technical readings, the editors of PHILOSOPHICAL HORIZONS have put together the easiest to follow and yet most informative philosophy selections ever. Unlike any other introductory anthology, you can read fully annotated masterpieces from the history of philosophy in their entirety, including Plato's Euthyphro, Apology, and Crito, the Encheiridion of Epictetus, Descartes's Meditations, Berkeley's Treatise, Hume's An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding and Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Kant's Groundwork, Mill's Utilitarianism, James's The Will to Believe, and Sartre's The Humanism of Existentialism. These are juxtaposed with related work from contemporary philosophers so that you can experience how the issues raised in these classic works of philosophy are debated in contemporary times.