An Introduction to Differential Equations using MATLAB exploits the symbolic, numerical, and graphical capabilitiesof MATLAB to develop a thorough understanding of differential equations algorithms. This book provides the readerwith numerous applications, m-files, and practical examples to problems. Balancing theoretical concepts withcomputational speed and accuracy, the book includes numerous short programs in MATLAB that can be used to solveproblems involving first-and higher-order differential equations, Laplace transforms, linear systems of differentialequations, numerical solutions of differential equations, computer graphics, and more. The author emphasizes thebasic ideas of analytical and numerical techniques and the uses of modern mathematical software (MATLAB) ratherthan relying only on complex mathematical derivations to engineers, mathematician, computer scientists, andphysicists or for use as a textbook in applied or computational courses.A CD-ROM with all the figures, codes, solutions, appendices, an introduction to MATLAB commands, and m-files forall of the programs is available on request.