What makes Cesare Lombroso: The Father of Criminology Redefined unique from all others that have attempted to define Lombroso from a personal and professional perspective, is that it was written by two historians and a criminologist. That is, the historical research eff orts employed have uncovered a great deal about Lombroso that was not known prior to this writing.
Not only are the personal anecdotes interesting, but throughout the book, it is highlighted how Lombroso's major personal life events marked, defined, and influenced his works. In the case of Lombroso and after reading this book, students will agree with the concept that it is impossible to separate the man from his works. In fact, it is the work of Cesare Lombroso that has undoubtedly left behind a rich contribution to the field of criminology; thus, revolutionizing and affecting even today's modern way of thinking about the causes of deviance.