The twenty-first century presents challenges and opportunities in equal magnitude to policy makers for ICT use in education. In today's world of a changing workforce, rapid advancements in technology and increased global competition, learning is more critical than ever. The need to have a long-term vision for education that ensures all students experience success and have the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies to be successful in the twenty-first century was never more important. Charting some of the significant developments in Ireland in relation to the use of ICT in schools in Ireland, this book is a collection of essays that captures the views of a cross-section of people who have participated in the formulation of ICT policy and in the implementation of digital technologies in school systems in the north and south of Ireland over several decades. The topics covered are diverse, ranging from policy formulation and ICT infrastructure in schools to teacher professional learning and the design of learning environments for learning, teaching and assessment.
The value of having such information available in one volume provides evidence of the benefits or otherwise accrued through the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning. In particular, it provides contextual examples of technology 'in action' in schools across Ireland. Taken together, these highlight the lessons to be learned as well as a range of key enablers and agents that must be addressed as part of any Digital Strategy for schools in Ireland.