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This expanded version of the best-selling supplement contains significantly more material from Restatement (Second) of Contracts and more extensive treatment of international contract law. The original edition, Contract Law: Selected Source Materials Annotated, 2021 Edition, will still be available this summer.
These additions come alongside the material from the original edition that has made it a longstanding and valuable addition to the study of contract law: UCC Articles 1 and 2, together with excerpts from Articles 3 and 9, in all cases including recent amendments by the Uniform Laws Commission; the Restatement (Second) of Contracts; the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, E-SIGN, and the ALI's Principles of Software Contracts; the CISG and UNIDROIT: other statutes, directives, and administrative regulations, including the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, selected FTC Regulations, and excerpts from the Bankruptcy Code, the Uniform Consumer Credit Code, and Regulation Z; and American Institute of Architects sample form contracts. Each major document is introduced by a short annotation that explains the origins of the document, its central purpose, and the scope of its application. This supplement is suitable for use with all contracts casebooks.