The Lutheran confessions call the doctrine of justification by faith alone the -chief article- of the Christian faith. Clarifying and defending this article of faith have been the major concern of Lutheran theologians since the sixteenth century. It is not surprising, then, that one of today's most prominent Lutheran thinkers, Gerhard O. Forde, has chosen to devote most of his career to probing the depths and developing the implications of the doctrine of justification. And as this volume aptly indicates, Forde's teaching and publications, his public lectures and sermons, and his influence on ecumenical scholarship and debate constitute one of the most important contributions to a theological understanding of justification in the second half of the twentieth century. By Faith Alone celebrates Professor Forde's distinguished career, but it also goes well beyond by offering a sustained and serious engagement with his theological motif. Written by twenty theologians from seven countries and several different Christian communions, the book provides a full-orbed, cutting-edge discussion of the doctrine of justification from a wide range of perspectives. The first set of essays explores the theological foundations of the doctrine of justification. The next set examines some key moments in the doctrine's historical development as well as its ecumenical trajectory. The last set of essays asks how the doctrine of justification applies to church life today, including such ecclesiastical concerns as preaching and pastoral care. A rich collection of lively and profound thinking, By Faith Alone is an ideal resource for teachers, preachers, church leaders, and all those pursuing a deeper understanding of Christian belief. Contributors: C. FitzSimons Allison Oswald Bayer Robert Bertram Joseph A. Burgess Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. Reginald H. Fuller Leif Grane Roy A. Harrisville Scott Hendrix Robert Kolb Marc Kolden George Lindbeck Inge Lonning James Arne Nestingen John H. Rodgers Jr. Klaus Schwarzwaller Jane E. Strohl George H. Tavard Timothy J. Wengert Vitor Westhelle