'MEREKE' is a novel in the series of The Captain's Story.... Written in part within the sphere of roman-a-clef the author has drawn upon his personal experiences, both in the main theme of the story and his work within the European Coach Tour industry both as an Executive and in the field and as a Courier/Driver.
The theme of the story must act as a warning to both men and women alike given that in this day and age the mass of us use mobile phones, i-pads, laptops, personal computers and the like with little thought of the danger that prevails. People of ill-repute can easily gain entry into your machine and lives with the sole intent of robbing you in one way or another.
Not only can they gain entrance into your bank account to take your money, but subtle young women use their undoubted wiles to make friends and then try to seduce you into funding a variety of their schemes!
So also beware, male schemers target ladies just as much for they have no conscience where money is concerned!