The bourgeois sky of values is just being rediscovered: evocations of a new bourgeoisie have filled the media with very different political stripes in recent years. But is there still a social formation in Germany and in Europe after the bourgeois age that stands in the tradition of the bourgeoisie? In order to get closer to the question of bourgeois continuities, but also to redefine "bourgeoisie", the contributions seek out certain fields of action which 19th century research has characterized as "bourgeois". The focus is on five such "places": civil society, everyday culture, education and training, business, politics and the state. The publishing house Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht draws attention to the fact that the article by Holger Nehring in this volume in some places both in the text as well as in the accompanying footnotes, takes over text passages and documents without the necessary evidence verbatim or only slightly paraphrased. Read our statement: