How it works? Colourful card tokens are traded for screen time (just like pocket money). Kids
pick a Time Token, set the custom app timer, enjoy their screen time, and turn off when the time
runs out. It’s that simple. No more squabbles!
Each set includes everything you need to make getting kids off their devices as easy as possible.
Including: 16 Time Tokens, access to a custom-built countdown timer app, a Promise Contract
(designed to bring kids into conversations over screen time boundaries) and special Double &
Golden Time Tokens which can be rewarded as weekly prizes to keep them on track.
The beautifully illustrated guide to Screen Time written by leading Consultant Clinical
Psychologist, Dr Elizabeth Kilbey, provides strategies to make healthy screen time possible for
the whole family - without the arguments.
If only there was something as fun to keep us grown-ups accountable too...