This first supplement to the new Edition of the Dictionary of Organic Compounds (DOC), published in nine volumes in 1995, extends the literature coverage of the dictionary to mid-1996. It includes over 2,500 entries, some of which are major updates to entries which appeared in volumes 1-9, while the majority are new entries based on the DOC team's ongoing review of the current literature. Some of these cover newly synthesized molecules of research interest, while others refer to known compounds which have come into prominence, for example as synthetic reagents in new methodoligies. The supplement contains its own name, molecular formula and CAS registry number indexes. For any library of research group where organic chemistry or related disciplines are studied or researched, DOC is the prime literature source summarising the current state of knowledge in this important discipline, year-by-year and fully up-to-date. This book should be of interest to chemists, biochemists, biologists and pharmacologists working within academic, industrial or government organisations.